You Woodstock Believe It: Learn from Woodstock

With festival season upon us, live music fans show their support for this growing industry online. There are so many to choose from and people travel from all over to attend Cochella, Firefly, or Lalapalooza (just to name a few.) I think the only way to answer the question of why music festivals are so enticing is to go back to the original music festival: Woodstock.

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The Stream Team

Streaming has become the hottest topic in the music industry today whether that is about the artist’s gets paid the right amount or which service gives the users the most exclusive content. However, according to John Kohl, streaming has actually helped the music industry have a comeback after 15 years of a slow decline. Keeping up with the different streaming services should be in the forefront of musicians’ minds.

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We’ve Got You Covered

The Internet has this incredible power that draws you in and gets you lost in the world of music. Self-created content on sites like YouTube pulls you in for hours and then you snap out of it and realize that you had just been watching covers. One of the main things uploaded to YouTube these days are videos of songs covered by up-incoming artists.

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SoundCloud, Sound Proud

Apple Music, Spotify, and SoundCloud have many things in common. They each are a unique platform for artist to upload their music for their fans to listen to. You can download apps and keep them on your phone. Now, SoundCloud has entered the mixed in the competitive field of a subscription service.

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International Happiness Day

The definition of “happiness” from Merriam-Websters’ dictionary reads, “a state of well-being contentment.” When I think of the times where I experience this contentment, it usually involves music and others. I am not alone in this. Why do you think the main source of revenue in the music industry has shifted from record sales to concerts or festivals in recent years? People experience happiness when they are with others and experiencing something together.

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Nobody’s Perfect

“People love the illusion of being connected to something.” My professor in Nashville said this one-day in class and I scribbled it in the margin of my notebook before turning my attention back to the slide show. It’s a simple quote that reveals so much about the time period that we live in. We have an innate desire to be connected to something bigger than ourselves and a way a lot of people do that is through connecting with music and artists.

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How to Be Social (Media)

Utilize your social media platforms to help your fans better connect and engage with you in the studio writing, on tour performing for them, or even while you are taking a break from your music. You can have conversations with your fans and help reinforce the brand that you desire to create.

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